Wednesday, December 25, 2013

On The Fourth Day Of Christmas

I know you think this is going to go for twelve days,but it won't.  Tomorrow we get more back to normal.  There are two doctor's appointments and speech therapy.  But for today, bare with me.

Today was Christmas at Casa de Esperanza.  We never put presents under the tree.  With this many kids, the paper would be torn and unwrapped and rewrapped in the the middle of the night.  In the past, I have tried to wait until I thought they were all asleep and take the presents in.  If I wait an hour after they go to bed, someone is still awake waiting and sneaks out to watch me put the presents under the tree.  This year, I decided to take them in at 4:00 a.m.  While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads, I could only hope for a long winter's nap this afternoon.  Going in at 4:00 worked.  Not a single soul was up watching me.  I also put a lot of candy in the stockings.  As quietly as I entered, I left.  I returned a few minutes before 7:00. 

Nicole passed out the stockings first.

Olman began to eat the chocolate in his stocking.

Anyone who reads Marc's facebook page, knows we were giving bicycles to the kids.  Some kind soul decided to tell them that.  We decided that bicycles would not show up until mid-morning or so. 

Nicole would take a present from the tree and call the name on it and everyone would watch as one person opened.  The girls got new shoes.  And what girl does not like new shoes?  The boys got cars or trucks.  At some point in time, I looked over and Olman was still eating chocolate.  I hope he is not sick.  I did take away the rest of the candy.

There was just a little bit of a mess.

All of the kids were excited and liked these gifts.  But, if they were expecting bicycles, they had to be disappointed.  I was so proud of those kids.  No one acted disappointed.  No one cried.  No one said, "where is my bicycle?"

Marc was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
Jonathan showed up and just stood around in the kitchen while Marc cooked.  That was a bit odd and might have been the first inkling that there was more to come.

We ate and everyone thanked Marc for breakfast. 

I had the kids start their morning chores.  Though still in their pajamas, some of the girls were wearing their new shoes.  Then Marc says Jonathan and I will be back later.  Nothing unusual about Marc leaving.  I thought Marc was gone a really long time.  Chores were finished and the kids started a movie.  They chose "Santa Claus is Coming To Town:"  A bit prophetic perhaps.

Marc came back before Jonathan.  He left the gate open and asked everyone to move their cars.  He also asked me to keep them all in the living room.  They began giggling and whispering to each other.  They began to gather at the window.  I did not even try to keep them in the living room. 

Jonathan backed  a great big truck through the gate and as the children were looking out the window watching, their squeals were the sweetest music of the day.  They all broke and ran out the door.  Jonathan opened the back of the truck and this is what we saw.

Marc, Matt and Jonathan unloaded the truck and put the bicycles on the concha.
All of a sudden, there was another round of squealing.  It dawned upon the kids that there was one bicycle for each kid, not 5 or 10 to share.

You can well imagine how the rest of the day is being spent.  It was fun watching the kids on their new bikes.  And, at times, amusing.  Katy did not quite get the hang of the hand brakes.  When she got ready to stop, she would scream ·"Alto. Alto. Alto alto alto."  And then throw her leg into the fence of the concha.  Yair got the hang of riding easily.  Others not so easily.

I made a huge chicken lasagne yesterday and cooked it this morning.  That is what we had for lunch.  I was really thankful when staff began arriving at noon.  After lunch and chores, I headed for the house.  I was long past due that long winter's nap.

Thanks to everyone that made this wonderful day possible.  I wish you could have been here to hear those screams and see those sweet faces.

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