Monday, November 21, 2011

The Sweetest Thing I Ever Saw .... And Heard

This morning Karen and Dorian left for town early as Karen's contractions had become worse.  We were still praying that labor would be stopped.

One of the workmen needed to buy a coke from the store.  Nicole was busy with the children and I went to open the store.  The man bought what he needed and I asked Brayan to stock the coke machine.  He was putting cokes and diet cokes in the machine and I was standing there watching him.  One of the other children ran into the store and said Nicole wants everyone in the house to pray for Karen.  At that moment, I knew no details, but I walked over to the house with Brayan.  The workmen also joined us.

Nicole had all the children and all the staff in a circle, holding hands.  A c-section was being started on Karen.  Nicole led the sweetest, kindest, most passionate prayer for Karen's health and the baby's health.  Then she gave everyone in the room the chance to pray.  Karen is mommy to these kids.  Most of the kids prayed very passionate prayers for Karen.  Some cried.  None of the staff wanted to pray but Dilcia.  She prayed.  And cried.  Denis prayed.  Some of the workmen prayed.  It was the sweetest thing Iever saw.  And heard.

And praise God our prayers were answered.  Karen and baby Korbin are fine, at last report.


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