Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Sad State Of Affairs

Recently, a press conference was held and a performance report card was released. The facts in this report card are pretty dismal and attempts have been made by both the previous and current presidents to keep these facts hidden.

Well over one million Hondurans do not have access to any kind of healthcare. It is hard for me to imagine being sick or having a sick child and not any access to any kind of health services. Furthermore, thirty per cent of all healthcare facilities remain closed because they were only built for political campaign purposes. Money spent on big buildings and the buildings are sitting there not being used. In addition, there are no defined rules for the acquisition of medicines, leading to huge acts of corruption.

Education in Honduras is of extremely poor quality. Honduran children, on the average, receive about 120 of schooling a year, far below most other countries. Children in Haiti receive an average of 200 days per year. In 2009, the year of the political crisis, Honduran children received less and 100 days of school. Yet, across the board, they were promoted to the next grade. Average scores for students in 3rd and 6th grades were 45% in spanish (their native language) and 38.8% in math. No wonder there was an attempt to hide this information.

Healthcare and education are vital to improving the quality of life for all Hondurans. I pray that powers that be in Honduras will find a way to help all people and not continue oppressing the poor.


1 comment:

Donna said...

That's all the more reason for all of us to fill more backpacks with school supplies so more children can go to school. With God's help, the future of Honduras can child at a time!