Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Yesterday was one of those days when there were Teleton appointments spread out over the day. I left at 6:00 with Rosy and three other girls. We got Rosy to school and then waited and hour and a half for the first appointment. Two appointments got combined and we were going to wait another hour and a half for the next appointment.

I try not to take the kids out every time we go to town, but I did not think I could sit there another hour and a half, so we got up and went to Burger King. I fed them chicken nuggets and french fries and cokes at 9:30 in the morning.

When Doris came to live here 2 years ago, she was starving and did not even know how to eat. She would put her head near her plate and begin shoveling food in her mouth with both hands. It was more animal-like than human-like. We have worked with her for two years and she does much better. But when we get in a public situation, she sometimes reverts back to those old eating habits. I guess she can't help herself or is scared or something.

Yesterday Reina and I both talked to her and she ate slowly, or slowly for Doris. I was proud of the way she ate her food. She ate like most other people until she was nearly through and then she got in a hurry and shoveled the last few bites into her mouth. Reina was trying to wipe her hands and face. I guess enough was enough. She told Reina "No" and promptly wiped her hands on her shirt.

Can't have everything. Small steps are better than no steps.

Yay for Doris. She has come so far.


1 comment:

Shelby Cole said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog since we got back. I along with everyone from Baton Rouge is missing Honduras more than ever. Every time we see each other we talk about what we would be doing if we were still there or what happened that day that reminded us of Honduras. We really had an amazing trip and cannot wait to come back. Hope you are enjoying the groups that are with you now. We miss you guys.