Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Midnight Ride

Remember reading, and maybe memorizing, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem about the midnight ride of Paul Revere. I thought about that poem this morning. Shortly after midnight.

Miss Haley Grace started crying about 9:00 p.m. Nicole rocked her. I walked with her. For short periods of time, we got her quiet. After Nicole fed her at 11:30, we thought she was asleep. We quickly found out she was still awake and unhappy. Nicole said she always goes to sleep in the car. So, at 12:15 we loaded her in the car and went for a ride on the streets of Baton Rouge.

I am quite sure when Nicole buckled her in the car seat, I saw her smile. She was probably thinking I have these two wrapped around my finger. I think she was asleep before we got out of the parking lot of the apartment complex. But just in case, we took a nice long ride.

It was almost 1:00 when we returned with a soundly sleeping baby. And I can assure you both of us fell into our beds. We did not hear another sound from Haley until 5:30 this morning.


1 comment:

Ginger said...

I cannot tell you how many times we got in the car and rode around after midnight with our kids to get them to truly make me this has brought back so many memories of my own parenting days.

Haley is alot like my kids were. I couldn't stand to hear babies crying and would rock and rock and rock and then drive around.

Pearley sometimes sent me to ride in the car to my mom's house while he let them cry to sleep when they got about 4 years old and no longer needed to be spoiled.

I left home to let Pearley deal with the girls going to sleep as he wanted to let them cry to slee once they were fed and dried and needed to go to bed.

I guess Matt will be doing that too one day in a few years.

I really should have begun sooner.

love you,