Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Terror-Filled Night

Shortly after 9:00 last night I decided to call it a day. I took my new Grisham book and thought I was going to read a bit. I climbed in bed and was working to get the pillows and the covers just right, when I happened to glance up and see something sitting on the top of the mirror of the dresser. A reddish-brown something. I let out two blood-curdling screams. I expected Marc to come running to see what was wrong with me. He wasn't there so I began to scream his name. He did come running then. He says oh it is just a little mouse. I didn't think it was a mouse and it wasn't very little. The thing then turned and ran down the back of the dresser.

I was still screaming and saying I just know I won't be able to sleep at all tonight. What if it gets in bed. Marc say it is not going to get in our bed. I wasn't so sure. If it could climb to the top of the mirror, I was sure it could get into the bed. The bed is not near as high off the ground as the mirror. He said the police were going to come knocking at the door to see if spousal abuse was happening. Then he said if anyone heard me screaming, today they would be looking for bruises on my arms and legs. Marc was laughing at me as he left the bedroom closing the door behind him.

I surely did not like that. I was now trapped in the bedroom with the thing. I could not read and I could not sleep. I soon realized my heart was pounding and I was sweating more profusely than I had during my workout yesterday morning. I should have stopped and been thankful that at least I was burning calories.

Marc was watching a movie and when he finally came to bed, I said I cannot believe you left me in here by myself with it. I said don't turn out the light. I want to go to bathroom. Since Marc's side of the bed is a straight shot to the door, I crawled over there, got out of bed and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. I came running out of the bathroom and made a flying leap back into bed.

I finally went to sleep. At exactly 4:07 a.m., Marc sat straight up in bed. I said what is wrong. His answer was you don't want to know. I rolled over and was still and quiet for a moment, maybe a few seconds, although it seemed much longer to me and I said it was in bed, wasn't it? And he said yes, there's nothing quite like being woke up by a mouse running across your face.

Marc got up and turned the light on and I made another run for the bathroom. After I jumped back into bed, I was sitting there with my knees drawn up and tucked under my chin, and the covers pulled over me. Marc was crawling around on the floor with a flashlight looking for it. Now to everyone reading this blog, that may sound ridiculous. But trust me, there was nothing ridiculous about my husband crawling around on the floor try to find the uninvited terrorist that had invaded my home.

Marc had to get up at 5:15 and just decided to not go back to bed. I don't normally take Saturday off, but I don't normally get up at 5:00 like I do the rest of the week either. I said I don't guess I will go back to sleep either. Marc suggested I move to the sofa. I grabbed my pillows and went running for the sofa, slamming the bedroom door behind me. I was sure he was trapped in there until Marc could get something to kill him.

I did not go back to sleep until after Marc left. He surely did not walk over and kiss me good-bye. I know he thought if he touched, I would begin screaming and think it was on me. I slept a short while and then got up to begin my day. I had some errands to run in town and was suppose to meet Marc before noon. I remembered my phone, my book and my shoes were in our bedroom. It took me 20 minutes to get brave enough to open the door and jump onto bed. I crawled all over the bed and stood or stretched so that I could reach my stuff. The book and the phone were easy. The shoes on the floor were not quite so easy.

I was feeling so brave. Almost immediately, Marc called to say that the beast left the bedroom a few minutes before he left. I thought I had him shut in my bedroom and then I find out, it is loose somewhere in the rest of the house. I got myself in gear and got out of this house in just a few minutes. Marc also said it was reddish-brown (like I said earlier) and it had a furry tail. Maybe a squirrel, not a mouse.

Marc has told everyone today about my terror-filled night. Mr. Squirrel or Mr. Mouse or whatever is still in my house, but you can bet my feet aren't touching the floor.



Anonymous said...

That is funny...I think! :) Blame it on Dennis...he was shaking a squirrel out of a tree in front of your house yesterday for the dog to chase! :) Apparently he found refuge in you! :) Sharon

Anonymous said...

I understand your terror completely and I know for a fact I would have reacted the same way. Even a small little gray mouse, but this sounds different. I hope it is caught and out of the way so you can sleep tonight. We have a place on the farm and it is held together by pieces of steel wool stuffed in every crack that keeps the mice out. I absolutely refuse to spend a night with the mice in the house. So far we have been able to keep them out but every once in a while one slips in. I think your reactons are truly just what they should be considering. linda

Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
You did a fantastic job of explaining what you went through. I must chime in with Sharon and agree it sounds like a squirrel and that mice do not have bushy tails and are reddish in color so it must be a squirrell. I would have been terrified either way if either were running in my house but a rat or a mice would have been enough to make me leave the house in the middle of the night. Set a mouse trap and see what happens. Meanwhile study this scripture and see if this spiritual food keeps you brave.

For God has not given us the spirit of fear,
but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind.
2nd Timothy 1:6-8