Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dump Day 2014

It is 8:00 a.m in Honduras.  In about an hour, Matt and John will load up the dump food and head to the dump to start feeding.  Today between two and three hundred people will be fed a hot meal of beans and rice.  The ladies that cooked that food started cooking about 3:00 a.m. this morning.  They do this every week, all year.  Sometimes in the summer, they do it 2 or 3 times a week. 

The people that work in the dump work long hard hours to maybe get enough recyclables to earn $10.00 a day.  They appreciate that food.

Just behind the dump, is a poor community called Buen Samaritano (translated is Good Samaritan).  Many of the people that live here work in the dump.  The average salary in Buen Samaritano is between $75.00 and $200.00 a month.  But many make as little as $40.00 to $50.00 a month.  We put $50.00 worth of gas in the car yesterday to go to the beach.  And, some people are trying to live off of that for a whole month.  I do not believe that can be done.

In November, we opened a feeding center in that community.  Matt oversees the feeding center.  Every Monday through Friday 200 children are fed a hot meal. For most of these children, it is the only meal they receive each day.  How could a parent that makes $50.00 or $75.00 a month have money to buy very much food.  The moms often thank Matt for providing this meal for their children.  No mother wants to see her children go hungry.  There are two women employed at the feeding center.  They, too, start their day about 3:00 to start cooking for these children.  They each make $10.00 a day.  Matt would love nothing more than to give them a raise.  Matt has everything set up where the tortillas are made by a person in the community, thus boosting her income.  He buys wood and water from people in the community.  Everything that can be purchased in Buen Samaritano is purchased there.   Matt has started Bible study with the two employees.

In 2009, Trey Morgan started the first dump.  That first dump day was more successful than we ever imagined.  Every dump day since then has been very successful.

I am praying today that this dump day is just as successful.  God still wants his hungry children fed.  It costs about $200 a week to feed at the dump.  It cost about $400.00 a week to run the feeding center.  Would you please consider sponsoring the dump for a month at $800.00 or for a week at $200.00?  Or would you consider sponsoring the feeding center for a week at $400.00, a half week for $200.00, or a day for $80.00?  No gift is too large or too small.  Any amount will be appreciated and keep these hungry people fed..

Donations can be sent to Honduras Hope    P.O. Box 9222    Columbus, MS 39705 and marked dump fund.  If you would care to comment on Trey Morgan's blog so that we can keep a running total, go to   If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, Trey Morgan or Nicole Fitzgerald.

Thanking you in advance for your generous donation again this year.


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