Friday, October 1, 2010

More Effects Of The Rain

Since last Saturday, it has rained over 12 inches. Except for some time this morning, it has rained nonstop. Day and night. Noah must have had a lot of faith in God to be enclosed in that ark with all those animals for forty days and night. All those animals might have been easier than seventeen kids that like to play outside. They are getting a little antsy.

Today was market day. I go to the market every other Friday to buy fresh fruits and vegetables for the children. Besides wanting to see some sunshine and the children needing to play outdoors, I saw some huge effects of all this rain.

This time of year, we normally buy great big cabbages for 35 cents each. Cabbage is a staple at Casa de Esperanza, as it is for many in Honduras. Today, the cabbages were tiny and were 50 cents each. That little amount is huge in Honduras. Potatoes were higher. Platanos were higher. Beans had been 30 cents a pound and now up to 85 cents a pound. There will be no bean crop in Honduras this year. It is totally lost due to the rain. Another staple, most Hondurans cannot afford beans at that price. Other things like carrots and cucumber were much smaller than usual.

I don't know how many crops will be ruined because of the rain. Or how many will be smaller. Food prices will definitely rise. So many can't afford to feed their families now. This can only get worse.

The paper says if the rain continues, the entire coffee and sugar crops could be destroyed, the two leading exports for Honduras. This would be financially devastating.

There is a food container in the country. It will be unloaded next week. It contains about 250,000 rice meals. As soon as it is unloaded, we will be busy distributing those meals to as many people as possible that are hungry and can't buy food as prices rise.

Please continue your prayers for this rain-drenched country.


1 comment:

Ginger said...

I am so sorry to hear this sad news...just when it seemed things couldn't get any worse.
God has made a provision for some to have meals thanks to the rice container with meals you will give out..but sadly I know that you cannot give everyone food from that container. I hope that Children and members of the Church will be at the top of your list.

Rain rain go away I pray.
We love you.

Your heart is such a willing vessel to do God's will.