Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yay For The Stupid Kid

"Yay for the stupid kid" is a little thing Nicole and I have said about ourselves when one of us did a rather brainless something. We have laughed when it was said and it was a wonderful way to laugh at ourselves or each other.

This afternoon, I was sitting here with a tangled mess of necklaces. I don't have many necklaces yet, but I was thinking I would try to fill a few orders and send them with the people that are leaving Saturday. I untangled them and began trying to a couple of orders. Before long, I put them all down, thinking I was going to have to take most of them back. I was so frustrated.

I noticed some of the two strand necklaces did not have clasps and the short strand was so short, it would not have fit over Baby Haley's head, much less an adult's.

I began sorting the ones that did not have clasps and thinking I am going to have to go all the way back out there and try to explain this. I know they will fix it for me, but explaining things is not easy for me.

Tonight, I was telling Marc that I was going to have to return most of the necklaces. He, who has bought very little jewelry in his life, said to me, who has bought a lot of jewelry, "well, honey, I think they are one strand, not two." I unstapled the tag and guess what? He was right.

Yay for the stupid kid.



Ginger said...

If you hadn't been so tired you would have figured that out much sooner.

Terri L Tindall said...

You are far too kind. It was the middle of the afternoon, when I was working with necklaces, not late at night. Thankfully, I did not take them back and try to explain about something that was not even wrong.