Monday, October 25, 2010

The Beans Are Coming

As bean prices continue to rise, and more and more people continue to do without beans, we were offered two containers of beans. 94,000 pounds of beans to feed hungry people. All for the low cost of $10,000.00. The only problem, we don't have an extra $10,000. Marc talked to Trey Morgan and Bobby Moore at Bread for a hungry world. All three of them talked back and forth. Bread said they would match $5,000, if we could come up with the other five thousand. Trey and Marc and Bobby all got it on their blogs and facebook. From there, several other picked it up and got it on their facebook pages.

From Thursday morning until Sunday evening, the $5,000.00 was raised. Both containers, full of beans, are being loaded tomorrow and will soon be their way to Honduras.

We serve an awesome God and He still wants His hungry people fed.
