Thursday, November 12, 2009

Greens At The Dump

Presentation is very important in Honduras. At the market, all the fruit and vegetables are displayed attractively. As I buy my fruits and vegetables, I watch as the vendors trim away the leafy parts that aren't edible. This is a massive amount of green stuff trimmed from the vegetables every week.

Just as we finished feeding the people at the dump yesterday, a truck drove in with all these greens. The truck dumped it and drove off. Everyone in the dump began running for those greens. There was the leafy waste and some rotten fruit. People were grabbing for the fruit and the leaves, pushing their way to the front. They were walking away with all they could carry. They were estatic to have such a find. And those that were not as quick and missed out were sad.

I was sad to watch such a site. To think someone's waste was another person's food.



Peter P said...

That's so sad... and it's so easy to forget that those are human beings just like you and me!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I have no words, except... May God bless you & Marc as you continue to be HIS hands & feet even when your heart breaks for the very people you are serving. I know it must feel futile at times even when we KNOW God is bigger.

See you in TEN days!


Sherry Hubright