Friday, April 28, 2017

A Lot

It has been a long, hard week.  A lot of appointments.  A lot of trips to town.  A lot of road construction.  A lot of sitting in stopped traffic. A lot of bouncing on rough, bumpy roads.  A lot of cups of coffee.  A lot of homework.  A lot of dirty dishes and dirty laundry.  A lot of meals cooked and eaten.  A lot of receipts.  A lot of juggling schedules.  A lot of heat.  A lot of work.  A lot of laughter.  A lot of tears.  A lot of heart-to-hearts.  A lot of sleepless hours.  A lot of prayers.  A lot of hugs.  A lot of mistakes. A lot of love.  A lot of forgiveness.  A lot of living at Casa de Esperanza.

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