Monday, November 21, 2016

Emma And The Theater

Haley's choir was asked to sing with the Honduras Philharmonic in the National Theater.  This was quite an honor, as only four schools were asked.  Even more so when you consider that the school choir is only in its second year.  That performance was yesterday afternoon.

We knew what Haley would wear, but Nicole and I talked for days about what we would wear.  Nicole bought a beautiful new dress.  After seeing this dress, I knew I would feel under dressed, no matter what I wore.

Nicole had said all along that Emma was not going.  No one thought Emma could behave in the theater.

Yesterday morning, I wondered up to Nicole's to see what she thought of the dress I had maybe chosen.  Emma met me at the door.  She was all smiles and said,"I going, too."

Haley wore regular clothes to church and was going to change in the car.

We left church a few minutes early.  Haley had to be there at 1:00 and we needed a bite to eat.  We decided against chicken since it is so greasy.  We decided to stop at Uno.

Emma and the baby were asleep.  Nicole and Haley went in to buy food for all of them.  Then I went in.  Nicole's dress has a side zipper in it and she needed to nurse the baby.  We are sitting in the car, Nicole half undressed, eating really bad C-store food and Emma says, "I'm sorry."  Nicole says, "sorry for what, Emma?"  

"I spilled my sprite on Haley's uniform."

Silence.  From everyone.  No one thought this was funny.  No one.

Restaurants and C-stores are not known for their generosity when it comes to napkins.  I took the only napkin the four of us had and begin to blot the jumper as dry as I could.  I then put it on the dashboard and hoped the sun would complete the job.

In just a few seconds, Emma says, " I lost the lid to my sprite."  Nicole says, "I hate that Sprite."  That was not the last time those word would be spoken.

We headed on the theater.  We got a really good parking place.   Haley got dressed and, after arriving, Nicole did Haley's hair.  We walked across the street.  The choir director told Haley she needed a water bottle.  Nicole said she would go back to the car and get it.  Then she asked me if I could take Emma outside and let her drink a little more of her Sprite.  Nicole handed me the Sprite bottle and we went outside.  Emmie drank a little bit.  I told her she could not drink it inside the theater to drink all she wanted.  She said she did not want any more and put it in my purse.  Without the lid.  Of course, I did not know that until we were back inside the theater.  Everything in my purse was swimming in Sprite.  I looked at Nicole and said, "I hate that Sprite."

We had a long wait before the show began.  We were hoping Emma's behavior would get better once the show began.

The theater is over 100 years old.  It was beautiful.

Of course, after the Sprite, Emma had to go to the bathroom.

Different ensembles and solos from the members of the philharmonic played.  I enjoyed every second of it.  Even with Emma not behaving well.  I think I heard the best flautist I have ever heard.  All of the musicians played extremely well.

Nicole would occasionally say, " Emma you are not getting ice cream," and Emma would howl.  But even that was not enough to make her behave for more than a few seconds.

The people behind us were laughing at her antics.  Nicole and I were not.

Emma was really good when Haley's choir performed

Toward the end, the baby got restless and Nicole took her out.  Emma did not want to go with Mommy.

When the maestro announced the last number, Emma got on her knees and turned around to the people that thought she was so funny and begin screaming, "la ultima, la ultima." (the last,the last).   I wanted to die.

The theater was beautiful.  The performances were flawless.

Emma will not be going back to the theater for a long, long time.

I did not get a picture of all of us.

And, Emma did not get ice cream.

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