Sunday, March 4, 2012

Worship This Morning

There is a place very near here called Cruz de Chatarra which means cross of scrap iron.  The man that built it says his life was worthless and meaningless until he was saved by the blood of Jesus.  He built a cross out of worthless iron to symbolize that.  This place overlooks Santa Ana.  We can see Tegucigalpa as well.  Friday night we talked about taking the Harding students and the Casa kids to Cruz de Chatarra for worship.  After consulting with Karen, it was a go.  I was so looking forward to this worship experience.

Last night, we heard of a terrible auto accident in Texas involving six Harding students.  The details were sketchy, but we announced it to the group and prayed for the student that was on life support in critical condition in Longview, Texas.

This morning we had a rather huge issue at Casa which had to be dealt with before we left for the Cruz.  It took longer than anyone expected, making me long for the time of reflection and worship even more.

As we rode to the Cruz, Marc received a phone call telling us of the death of this young Harding student.  Harding is a small college and everyone grieves when they lose one of their own.  In addition, a couple of the kids here this week are good friends with the young man.  Marc told a young lady who was especially close to  Ty Osman.  I began to tell some of the others.  The students were in small huddles hugging, weeping, praying.  I was doing my best to console and pray with some.  At the same time, I was reliving a spring break 12 years ago.  When we lost our own son in a tragic auto accident.  I hurt for the students.  I hurt for the family.  No parents should ever have to bury their child.

I was really glad we were doing our own worship and not on someone else's agenda, in someone else's language.  The mood of our worship was much more somber than we planned.  Byron led us in some appropriate songs, which, for me, were comforting.  I hope they were comforting to some of the others.  Marc got up and gave the communion thoughts,  interjecting thoughts about the loss of our son and the loss of God's own son on the cross.  I don't know how he did that, but it was very moving and touching. 

Please pray for the family of Ty Osman, the Harding community, the 20 students that are here this week, and for all of us as we try to console each other.



Anonymous said...

It seems you all have faced many trying times lately partly because you have become close friends to so many. Thinking of you during this time of year that has unpleasant memories for you, and as you deal with difficult situations. I know it is hard but I do not know anyone else as capable of handling them. With your devotion to our Master so obvious by your words and especially by your deeds, I know you are capapable of offering sympathy to those there who are grieving at this time. Such a tragic accident. linda

Anonymous said...

As a parent of one of the kids in the Harding group this week, I appreciate reading your posts. But more importantly, thank you for ministering & comforting them as they work through this difficult time.