Thursday, March 22, 2012


A couple of the kids now have jobs.  When we took the twins and Cris, Mirian needed some help and asked Pamela to help her.  Pamela helps feed and bathe the babies.  And she is oh so ready to hold one and love one, even when he is crying.  She also helps bathe the older kids.  She has to sweep and mop the front room.  We pay her a little for this.  She seems to have found something she really enjoys doing.
Pamela (on the right) holding one of the babies.

Last year, I was training Brayan to work in the store here at Casa.  That was not paid job, though.  He loved the groups and was learning well and was a really good helper.  After Byron, opened the coffee shop, he asked Brayan to work for him.  Brayan gladly accepted and we said yes, too.  Brayan knows how to interact with people.  Byron and Anita and others in the coffee shop say he is good help and is polite.  Brayan is the official brownie supreme maker, among other things.  He buses the tables.  The times I have been in the coffee shop, Brayan is always happy and working hard.

Brayan making a brownie supreme

and then serving it.

The kids do not make very much money and homework has to come first.  They both seem to be proud that they have a little money.  Pamela spends hers as soon as she gets it and Brayan is saving for something big.  He won't say what, but something big.

I am glad the kids have this opportunity to earn and learn.


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