Thursday, March 29, 2012

Praying The Dark Away

I like to walk.  I need to walk.  I try to walk for 30 minutes four days a week.  The best time for me to walk is early morning before I shower and get my day going.  Usually, it is so early that it is still dark outside when I start walking.  But, by the time I am finishing my walk, morning light is breaking.  I walk away the dark.

I normally spend that 30 minutes praying as well.  Some mornings are far more intense than others.  This morning was one of those mornings.  This morning as I was finishing up the walk, and the morning light was breaking, I realized as I walk away the dark, I also pray away the dark.  The dark clouds that hung over soul were gone and sunlight was shining on my day.

I hope you find time to pray away the dark today.


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