Saturday, February 2, 2013

Slumber Parties

School is starting much earlier this year than in the past.  Matt and Nicole wanted to do something fun for the  kids before they started back to school.  They had slumber parties.

All the girls loaded up and went to Matt and Nicole's house on Tuesday night.  I don't know too much about that party except that Pamela stayed up until 4:30 and then had to go to work at 9:00.

Last night, all the boys except the twins went for their turn.  Even Yair.  He was so excited that he was going.  There was Wii and pizza and popcorn.  And, I don't know what else.  Nicole called after 9:30 and asked if I could go up to Mirian's and get some diapers.  Yair had had a BIG accident.  Fortunately, I had diapers in the car and Nicole came back over here to get them.  I think bedtime was around 3:30 this morning.

Nicole had to be at work at 7:00.  She was on time.  Matt and the boys did not show up until around 9:00.

I think everyone enjoyed the slumber parties.  Matt and Nicole are braver than I am.  And maybe, crazier too.  Crazy helps.




Tempa said...

Being YOUNGER helps, too!!

Tempa said...

Being YOUNGER helps, too!!