Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dreams Come True

It is so nice when the things about which we dream, become a reality.

After  a year and a half, much hard work and many, many prayers, the farm produced its first food.  Wednesday, for the Jesus  Banquet, Donnie brought the lettuce.  It doesn't get much fresher than that.  There were times we weren't sure this dream would ever become a reality.  I think it was the prettiest lettuce I ever saw.

Today was the grand opening and dedication of the feeding center in Buen Samaritano, a community behind the dump.  This project was started in October.  Approximately 200 hundred children will be fed Monday through Friday.  They will also be taught of God's love daily.  On Sunday this building  will be used for church.  Today, about 400 people were fed chicken and rice.  There was a grand celebration  in that community. 

I took this picture Wednesday before there was tables.  There was a mad scramble Thursday and Friday to get tables built. 

And, while I am speaking of dreams, much work is also being done on the new Casa de Esperanza campus. 

 The kitchen has been redone.
The ceiling has been reinforced.  Every other beam (the unpainted ones) have been added.  All the rooms have been painted.  Everything has been rewired.  A cistern to store water has been built. 

There is still so much to be done here, but each step brings us closer to seeing this dream become reality as well.  Before we know it, there will be some sweet girls living in this house.

Each of these projects has been covered in prayer.  We are grateful to God for His abundant blessings that He has poured on these efforts.

1 comment:

Steven Thompson said...

So exciting to read about the first harvest from the farm at Zambrano! When our group was helping sort that big pile of rocks to be used in the growing beds last summer, what kept us going was the vision of crops being grown so that the lives of ordinary Hondurans could be made better. Will continue to pray for abundant harvests of food and people.