Saturday, October 23, 2010

You Never Know What To Expect

Last Saturday night, when the guard came to work, he handed us an invitation to his wedding. The wedding was tonight. I was kind of excited about going to this wedding.

Juan, the guard, is the most private of all of our employees. He keeps to himself and shares very little of his business. I considered it an honor that he invited us.

The wedding was at the little Nazarene church just outside our back gate. We often hear their worship on Saturday night. What passionate, passionate people worshiping their God.

Shortly before the wedding started, Marc was asked to come up and say a few words. As was his spouse. I walked up with Marc, but I politely declined on saying anything. Marc spoke some very kind words.

I became the official wedding photographer. People were directing me to be different places to get the best shots. And, I did get some good ones. I just wasn't planning on being on the stage.

The wedding, or church, was supposed to begin at 5:00, but in true Honduran fashion it was closer to 6:00. The worship was passionate, but this was hilarious. Kids were playing and running in and out. Several people got up and went to the pulperia and came back with snacks. They sat there munching on chips and stuff. Other people were getting up and going outside to congregate in small groups to visit. Since, I was on the stage a good part of the time, I saw it all.

Juan's little dog came in and sat under his chair.

The bride and groom and flower girl all walked in at the same time. They came in to the traditional American wedding recessional. The vows were very similar to the traditional American vows. It was a very long ceremony, but beautiful. And fun.

At any Honduran event, there is food. People were served food almost immediately. Juan asked the servers to put extra food on our plates, the two people that need extra food the least.

Maria, Juan's wife, wanted me to take pictures of everyone. I tried. She is going to be so happy when I get these developed.

We did not even go to the post wedding party at Juan's house and we left the church at 9:00.

I am glad we were included in this fun evening.


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