Monday, March 27, 2017

Felicidades A Karol Y Kelin

When we opened the mission house in 2013, we thought the comedor would be used as a dining hall.  It is.  But, it is also used for an event center.  We have hosted some wonderful events there: a wedding, a baby shower, and a youth rally, to name a few.  Saturday afternoon we hosted a graduation party for Karol and Kelin.

Karol and Kelin are sisters.  They started working for Honduras Hope many years ago.  They have beautiful hearts.  They loved everyone in every group.  And, the feeling was mutual.  A group from Mitchell Church of Christ in Mitchell, Indiana decided to scholarship them to the university.

In Honduras, very few people have the opportunity to go to college.

Both girls majored in engineering, one in industrial and the other in environmental.  It has been a long, hard road for everyone involved. 

A big shout to Karol and Kelin for staying the course and to the folks at Mitchell for continuing the support.

With this huge accomplishment, it was definitely party worthy.

Nicole decorated beautifully.

Everyone had fun with the picture frame that Nicole made.
This is one proud momma.

The whole family would not fit in the frame.

Some of the little ones made their own fun with a couple of decks of cards.  And Stephanie, too.

There was time to visit.

Nicole was emcee.

Kelin really wanted games.  So we had games.

And food.

And a pinata.

Matt finished the pinata and the scramble for candy began.

Then we had cake.

Emma ate and wore the cake.

Karol and Kelin finished by giving gracious thank you speeches.

Congratulations on a job well done.

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