Sunday, November 29, 2015


Last week was a busy week.  I have already told the Thanksgiving story, which consumed much of the week.  Since then, we have had 3 graduations and visitation.

Sisi graduated from 6th grade at 10:00 on Friday morning.  That is a weird time for graduation.  Matt and Nicole went with her. 

Thursday, as we started to eat, we found out Yair's graduation from Kinder was also Friday at 10:00 a.m.  I went to that one.  Sometimes, Kinder graduation requires a certain color shirt or something special.  What a relief to find out, he only needed his uniform.

Friday morning, Sisi could not find her tie.  We looked and looked until we found it.  Yair's black shoes needed polished.  I was told we did not have any.  But I knew better.  I knew that I had stashed a can in the office for just such a time as this. 

Sisi had to be at school at 9:00.  Nicole took her and came back.  She and Matt left at twenty minutes before 10:00.

Yair and I walked to the Kinder and got there ten minutes early.  The teacher and emcee were there.  And a few others that were helping set up.  But Yair was the first graduate there.

I texted Nicole at 11:00 and asked her if they had started yet.  We had not.  She texted back and said she thought they were about to start.   Welcome to Honduras.

The Kinder graduation was short and sweet, when it finally started.  Because of visitation, Yair and I could not stay for the meal.  The people at the school were begging for us to stay.  I explained we had visitation.  When visitation was over, we found out the teacher had brought our food to us.

Saturday morning, I went to a high school graduation for Zenia.  Zenia is a friend from church, as well as an employee.  It is an honor to be invited to a graduation.  This graduation's scheduled time to start was 9:00.  It started at 9:30.  I was impressed. 

It was a busy weekend and I was soooo tired.  But, I am very proud of Sisi, Yair and Zenia.

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