Sunday, November 30, 2014


Finishing sixth grade is a big deal in Honduras.  The reason is that so many do not go beyond sixth grade.  Most schools have a graduation for their sixth grade class and graduation is a huge deal.  This year we have six sixth graders, five in public school, Ana, Cindy, Daniela, Fernando and Jose and one in Manos Felices, Rosy.  Rosy's school did not have graduation.  But, the public school did  Yesterday was the big day.

 Before graduation

Ana was one of the song leaders

Signing the book by both the student and the parent is very important.  Karen signed with the girls, I signed with the boys.

Daniela was so excited.  She was standing up and we thought she was going to go before her name was even called.

Then we had cake and coke and our kids were ready to get out of there.

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