Sunday, June 22, 2014

It Was Another Manic Saturday

The words of that do not flow as well as the words of the song.  Oh well.

Nicole had to take Baby Josue to the doctor Friday evening.  When I got up to give the medicines, I did not understand one of the new ones.  I called Nicole at 6:00.  Much to my surprise, she was still in bed.  She mumbled through what I was suppose to do and I gave the meds.  About ten minutes til seven, Nicole called me and said she was running late, could I go get the kids up.  There were small issues up there and I dealt with them. 

I arrived at the mission house a bit late.  Luis had brought Dina, the accountant, out with him and she was patiently waiting on me.  I began to run around doing a million things and paying people.  I quickly realized I did not bring enough money.  Lanetta went back to the house for more money.  Everyone left but me and Matt saw Dina sitting in the comedor and thought I had forgotten her.  Matt, not realizing I was still in the store, took Dina to Casa where she patiently waited on me some more.

Donna Griffith is here again teaching the girls more about sewing.  Lori Connell and Janet Hines have graciously allowed us to use the Mi Esperanza sewing center across the street.  Nicole and Emma Kate left with Donna and the older girls to get started on the second day of class.
Donna had trouble with some of the machines and finally got one running consistently.  Some of the girls were a bit impatient as they had to share one machine.  Such is life in Honduras.  Donna was over there all day long.

Here at Casa, there were three groups here.  Some were working on the wall and some were working on the playground.  I was in my house and could here all the happy sounds.  I opened the store several times.  I opened the office more than once for screws and tools.  Dina was working.  Lanetta was working.  I got one receipt filed.  Yay me. 

The groups that were here were our group from East Tennessee, a TORCH group from I don't know where and the Columbus group.  I have done a lot of life with the Columbus groups.  A lot of life.  There were a lot of tears yesterday.  All day.

I kept the coffee pot going all day.  Billy, Cisco, Don, Jorge and others had a meeting on my front porch.  Nicole brought Emmy over about 11:00 for a nap.  I gave her some milk and put her to bed.  She got quiet,  and I thought she went to sleep.  But in 15 minutes, she was saying, "Gammy, Gammy."  So much for that.

At some point in time, Matt left for the airport to get the Skillman group.  

At 3:00, one group left and Matt and the Skillman group arrived. 

Several of the Columbus group came to my house and prayed with Nicole and I.  More tears.

At 3:30ish, I walked over to Mi Esperanza to check on Donna.  She and Ana were just finishing.  They stayed a bit longer. 

I told Dina that someone would take her to Loarque at 3:00.  At 4:00, she was still patiently sitting and waiting on me.  I went to my house to get my purse and Don and Billy were there making another pot of coffee. I started a long conversation with them.

Before the group left, they almost completed the playground.

The kids were so excited.  They started playing before it was completely finished.

I was still in the house talking with Don and Billy, when it got quiet.  I knew the Tennessee group had gone to take a few of the older kids to play soccer.  The ones that were not in trouble.  I thought when they left that they probably took Dina with them.   

As I continued to visit with friends, Lanetta made snow with the little kids.  No one in Honduras has ever seen snow.  They were excited.

At 5:00, I realized Dina was still patiently waiting on me.  I got my purse and Donna, Lanetta and I left for Loarque.  When I got there, I got a nice cold Dr. Pepper for the drive back up the mountain.  That was only one of the bonuses of the late afternoon trip.

This was the other one.

I got back to Casa and gave the 6:00 p.m. medicines. 

Again, I arrived at the mission house late.  All of the devos have been good.  I thought last night's devo was especially good.  Maybe because of the manicness of the day.

There was a lot of manicness yesterday.  A lot of work accomplished.  A lot of teaching and learning.  A lot of smiles.  A lot of happy sounds.  A lot of tears.  A lot of prayers.  A lot of fellowship. All done for God's glory.

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