Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Brayan came to live at Casa de Esperanza in April, 2007.  Almost 7 seven years ago.  He has come a long way since then.  There have been many prayers lifted up over this one.  Most of the time, he controls his anger better than he did at one time.  He used to just explode over things.  Now, most of the time, he just wants to be left alone long enough to cool off and then he will sit and talk rationally about the issue.

Brayan's grades stay pretty good and he works harder in school than he did at one time.

He likes to please.  He is a hard worker.  By far, he is the best worker in the store.  He just knows the ice cream freezer has to be filled, the refrigerator has to be filled with drinks, and the store has to be kept clean.  He is busy all the time.  He is great with the customers, too.

Lately, he has even been helping in the office some. 

I am always proud of the work he does.

And, while he is a good worker, he likes to have fun, too.  He helped me count the inventory.  We worked long hours to get this done.  We were also packing some things in boxes so they would not get dirty before the groups start coming again.  This is how  he carried the hats over to the box in which he was packing them.

I love that boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Several years ago when we first learned about Casa de Esperanza Trey had pictures of the kids and asked us to pick a picture and send shoes to that child for Christmas that year. Brayan was the one I chose and he was the first child I met when I actually got to go to the home. I have been amazed at how much he has changed and matured since that first meeting. He captured my heart and I have always had a soft spot for him. Great to see him doing so well. Stachia