Thursday, August 30, 2012

Texas My Texas

I really needed one more day in Mississippi.  Too many people I did not get to see.  But, when you wake up in Columbus, Mississippi and know you will be sleeping it is a long, long day.  Our plans were to go the southern route and eat with friends in Dallas.  With Isaac dumping rain all along I-20, I-40 seemed like the better choice for today.

We decided to stop for lunch in Conway, Arkansas.  We both began salivating when we saw a Golden Corral as we came off the interstate.  But, first we had to find a place to overnight something.  That took sufficient enough time that we arrived at Golden Corral at ten minutes before 1:00.  We found that for people over 55 there was a very discounted price beginning at 1:00.  We waited for 10 minutes.  We are both 56 and, clearly, we were, by far, the youngest people waiting on this discounted price.  We waited with the red-hatters, among others.  We soon were back on the interstate. 

It is a long, hot way across Oklahoma.

The Texas panhandle has a beauty all its own.  And very few people appreciate that beauty.  I am one of them.  Texas welcomed me with a God-created sunset.  And, I did, indeed, feel very welcome into the state of my birth.

We still had 100 miles to go. 

Fifteen hours and 890 miles laters, Borger never looked so good.

We are here with family for a few days.


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