Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is the second biggest holiday in Honduras, behind only Christmas.  Every school has a program.  Our kids have been practicing all week.  Thursday night, Kathy and Dilma were busy finishing costumes.  Today was the big day for the program at the elementary school.  We started the day at 5:45, just like a regular school day.  There was makeup and hair and all sorts of things to be done.  Some of the kids had to be at school at 8:00, some at 8:30, and some at 9:00.  We all left to be there at 8:00.

From past experience, I was preparing Nicole for the teachers to come in at 9:00 or later and start decorating, start setting up the sound system.  We were pleasantly surprised to find the decorating done and the sound system working.  Could this program possibly start on time?  Of course not.  This is Honduras.

Shortly after the appointed started time, a mariachi band began to play.  This was a gift from the mayor of Santa Ana.  He is running for re-election.  He also supplied an extra canasta for each grade.  I guess some will do anything to get re-elected.  The mariachi band played 10 songs and the sound system went down.  The real program started about 10:30, an hour late.

Our first graders, Maryuri and Guadalupe, were in a dance.  We always worry about Maryuri having a meltdown before she performs and going on stage.  She went up there and she and Guadalupe both danced their little hearts out.  It was a traditional Honduran dance.
Guadalupe and Maryuri with their dance partners

The second graders sang a song in french.  And then, Adonis and Nohemy sang Jesus Loves Me in english.
Nicole and I were beaming just like the other mothers.

The third grade did several numbers, of which Sisi had a part in two of them.  Katty was suppose to be in one, but she was not where she was supposed to be when she was supposed to be there and someone else wore her sack.  Imagine that.

Sisi is in the pink and grey t-shirt

In this skit, a mother chicken was protecting her chicks from the wolf.  Sisi was one of the chicks.

Ana had the role of the most beautiful lady.  Jose, the ruffian, wanted to dance with the pretty lady and she would have no part of him.  The pretty lady did a pretty dance and had a sassy little attitude as she refused to dance with Jose.  Someone certainly picked the perfect person for that role.  Ana's sassy little attitude shone at its best.  She did an amazing job with this role.

Jackson did a recitation.  It was long and he had memorized it well.  He was nervous and said it as fast as he could.

Our only 6th grader was home with a broken leg.

We always hope we don't win one of the canastas, but Nicole was still a lucky winner today.

I was proud of each and every one of the children today.  I was also glad to finally be home when we arrived at 12:30.

Happy Mother's Day to all.


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