Saturday, February 11, 2012


In Honduras, soccer is the only sport.  Or the only sport that matters.  Everyone loves soccer and every child loves to play soccer.  Brayan and Antonio had had an opportunity to play on a team the past 3 months.  They practice on Wednesday and play on Saturday.

John Baird is a friend of ours.  His ministry is to kids, mostly in Ojojona, but he asked our boys to play on his team.  The discipline of practice and games has been good for the boys.

John is a Christian and incorporates Bible study into everything he does with the kids.  The kids have had fun and learned a lot.  But it is a "Bad News Bears" type of team.  They scored a goal or two.  The whole season. 

Today was my first opportunity to watch Brayan and Antonio play.  I thought it was going to be a long afternoon when the other team scored four goals in the first five minutes.  Our guys settled down and only allowed one more goal to be scored against them.  And they were not able to score this game. 

Brayan is good player and was hustling all over the place.  He made some good plays.  Antonio is not quite as good of a player.  Today, there was not a lot of action in his part of the field and when there was, he often backed away from it.  Near the end of the game, when John subbed him, Antonio changed his clothes and was through. 

Even though there was no victory today, it was fun to watch the kids play.


1 comment:


We met John when we did Lea's momma's house in Ojojona ... such a good man. And personally, I think Brayan and Antonio are awesome too.