Saturday, October 22, 2011

Another Saturday Night

The California group left this afternoon.  It has been a good week.  A really good week.

After we saw our friends off at the airport, Marc and I ran a couple of errands.  Then went to Chili's.  Just the two of us.  We were in no hurry.  We visited over our dinner and then headed back for Santa Ana.  We were not home before Nicole called and said they had the trooper stuck in the mud at their house.  Since we were close, we went to help.  I mean Marc went to help.  I sat in the truck.  Richard, Matt, Dorian, and Marc worked on "unstucking"  the car.  With the car out of the mud, Marc and I came on home.

I sat down to check my email and stuff and noticed something had pooped on a stack of receipts.  I cleaned it up.  Being the boring person I am, I decided to get a little work done.  As I sit here in my office at 9:30 on Saturday night working on receipts, I am not alone.  There is a bird in here with me.  Thus, the source of the poop. He is flying around.  I am sitting at the desk.    I don't know where he came from or how he got in my house or how I am going to get him out. 

But, I am thinking these receipts might wait until tomorrow.


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