Living in a third world country, lice is something that has to be dealt with on a regular basis. Many of the children arrive at Casa de Esperanza completely infested. We keep heads clean and check for lice regularly. Since school started three weeks ago, it is no surprise we have a pretty good case of lice right now.
Monday when I arrived home with Rosita, there was a lot of head checking and nit-picking going on. Dilcia was going through the girls' hair strand by strand, a tedious process with us having ten girls with long thick hair. Some of the boys will be buzzed this afternoon.
We have found listerine gets rid of it better than anything. Hair doused in listerine and a plastic bag tied around the hair for a couple of hours.
There will be constant head checking for the next couple of weeks until we are sure all the lice is gone.
Karen said we definitely needed more listerine when I was in town today.
Dear Terri,
Marc is the next to be checked !! Holding Cindy and grinning !! what a trooper!
Lice is common in school kids here as well.
I think Sara checks her kids regularly too. They have a shampoo here that is prescribed. I am sure Listerine is more cost efficient.
Have a good day. Hopefully your head won't start itching.
Our family have some good lice stories to tell but I am sure it is much more common over there. Something to be dealt with tho. I like your remedy tho, better, listerine. When it would go thru school while I was working my head always itched but I never got them, but many adults are not as fortuniate. We went to a school program on Tuesday night about Texas and there were many cowboy hats being stacked and carried from one place to the next and the first thing that went thru my mind was, I hope not even one of those kids had lice, if they did there will be a epidemic by the end of this week at Paul Belton School. linda
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