Monday, June 30, 2008


Since this year is a presidential election year in the United States, the political antics of Obama, Hilary, and McCain are widely known, even in Honduras. But political antics are not limited to the United States.

In Honduras, the presidential election is not until next year. I try to not comment on the current president of Honduras. At least not to Hondurans. This is their country and their government and they do not need an outsider telling them how to do things.

We has pretty much known this all along, but its now official. The airport in Tegucigalpa is remaining closed because of political antics of the Honduran president. A study was done last week showing the airport could be reopened but the president refuses to do so. Another announcement whether the airport will reopen or remain closed is to be made tomorrow. This announcement was suppose to have been made last week and the week before that and the week before that. I will believe it when I hear it tomorrow.

This president is choosing to keep the airport closed for his own political reasons. Everyday the ariport remains closed, it hurts hundreds of people. The luggage handlers, the money changers, all the little shop owners and many others are completely out of work. Some of them have told us they are hungry, their children are hungry. They do not know how much longer they can survive. One Torch group packed some food and took to some of these people. Beyond that, nothing is being done to help these people. It makes me angry that so many people are out of work needlessly.

Please everyone pray for this government and that many people will no longer be out of work.



Carla and Daryl said...

i understand why you are angry about it especially witnessing firsthand hungry people and children. prayers for resolving this situation quickly.

what does that mean for any groups that may still be there from the states?

Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
I guess I will have to get up at
4 am in the morning to beat Carla at making a comment. That girl gets up early, doesn't she?

I am praying for these unfortunate people who need their jobs back so that they can take care of their families.

I really know that these frustrations are effecting everyone.

I hope Nicole and Matt have a safe trip home.

The time went by so fast. I wasn't kidding in the email. I do wish I could be there to hand out chocolates today to make you feel better. You will miss Nicole so much.

You have as many stories as you have memories so I look forward to hearing all of them.
