Monday, January 26, 2015

Sunday Afternoon

Yesterday afternoon we took the kids up to the Cruz de Chatara.  I could tell as we started up that it was going to be foggy.  We went there for no reason.  Just to play.  And, it was foggy.  And, we played.

When the fog became so thick that it became drippy, we left.

A good Sunday afternoon.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Guess Who Is Learning To Sew?

Our friend, Donna, is back for another round of sewing classes.  Her goal this time is to let the little girls start on the machine.  That included Haley.  This will involve a lot of one-on-one time with each girl.  While everyone else was in nap time yesterday, Haley got to sew.

And, of course, Emma Kate wanted to be included, too.  So both of them came in to choose their fabric.

Emma is so excited about her choice that she cannot stand to look at it.  Not really.  I just could not shoot fast enough to capture Emma looking at it.

Both girls are shown how to measure the fabric.

 Emma was ready to wear hers immediately.

Emma really was excited about her dress.  She carried some of the scraps all afternoon saying, "Emma monkey dress, Emma monkey dress.

Haley got to cut the fabric for both dresses.
When cutting fabric, it is important to hold your mouth just so.

 And,then it was time to sew.

When the bobbin was empty, Haley filled it.  She said it sure made her arm tired.

After the strap was sewn, Haley and Mrs. Donna turned it right side out.

She threaded the strap through the dress.

Much, Much later there was two finished dresses and two happy little girls.

You can be assured of more pictures this week as the other girls learn to sew their dresses.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Here's My Cup Lord, Fill It Up Lord

I love my job and the children with which I work.  But, sometimes it is stressful.  Sometimes, I work too hard.  Sometimes, I forget to take my day off.  More and more, I love worshiping in Spanish, but I still miss worship in my native English.

I arrived in the States on December 20 with an empty cup and I return home tomorrow with one overflowing with blessings and love.

After really long travel, I arrived in New Hampshire for Christmas.  I love Nathan and Julia's beautiful home.  Sweet Camille and baby Thatcher are enough to fill anyone's heart.  We had so much fun as we shared Christmas, danced our way through the game of Life, worked puzzles without the pictures (well, we did not quite finish that one), shopped, and ate.  And, of course, Camille and I took plenty of whopper breaks. 

I then spent a way too short of time in Borger with family. This heart needed more time there.  One morning Janet and I hit the donut shop, Sonic and Braum's.  Shame on us.  But it was fun.

Our board met for two days in Little Rock.  That was exhausting, fun and rewarding.  I love how we are working together to make Casa de Esperanza and Honduras Hope better. 

Lunch with a friend.  Time with Alison and her sweet family and on to Searcy.  Will Susan and I ever learn we are too old to stay up half the night?  Maybe not.  I was blessed and encouraged by that time. 

I ate lunch with dear friends in Tupelo as I made my way to Columbus.  Due to technical difficulties beyond my control, my time in Columbus was limited, but still enjoyable.  I lunched and coffeed my way across the state of Mississippi as I drove to Baton Rouge.

Matt and I went to Gulf Coast Getaway.  We went to work a booth.  We saw old friends and met new ones.  That was great.  But the lessons and the songs were designed for this heart.  They spoke way down in the depths of my soul.

Each home that welcomed me, each "do you have time for a cup of coffee", "meet me at the Grill for dessert", trip to Sonic and Krispy Kreme helped to fill my cup.  Each prayer and hug and "I wish we had more time" helped fill my cup.  Each voice message from Emmy and Haley filled my cup

Of course, I left a trail of tears every where I went.  I cried when I left Nathan's.  I miss them so much and my time there goes so quickly.  I cried when I left Borger.  I cried almost every where.  I know I am blessed to have so many friends and family.

Tomorrow, I leave for Honduras with my cup overflowing.  I am ready to be home.  Ready to get back to work.  Ready for new opportunities. 

Pray as I travel tomorrow.
