Friday, February 27, 2009

And Then There Was Fifteen

Yesterday afternoon we received two more children, Anita age 8 and Jose age 7. Sister and brother. They have been living at Jovenes en Camino, another children's home. We know and respect the folks at Jovenes and love their heart for children. But they are boys home. And somehow Anita ended up there.

Anita and Jose have been at Jovenes en Camino for two and a half years and both have been loved and their needs provided for. Everyone agreed it was not the best situation for one little girl to be there with 80 boys. After prayer, discussion and some paper work, it was decided for both Anita and Jose to be moved here to Casa de Esperanza.

It is always an adjustment for everyone when new children arrive and this time will be no exception. I wonder what must be going on in the minds and hearts of Anita and Jose. Their mother is dead and their father loves them but lives in such poverty he cannot care for them. They were placed in Jovenes for over two years and then moved here. How long before they feel really secure and feel they won't be moved again.

Jose came in and wanted to change out of his dress shoes and get to playing with the other boys. He seemed to be doing great. Anita, on the other hand, had a hard time saying goood-bye to the folks at Jovenes. Understandably so.

We pray that all the children adjust quickly to these changes.


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Last night around 8:00 Marc's cell phone rang. It was Nathan. He was on his way home from work. He often calls Marc on his way home from work. I went about my business as usual. I soon heard Marc say well you better tell your mom. I just never know what those words may mean. I got on the phone and Nathan always tries to act so serious, even when he is not. He says, "Mom, I got the grade on the first part of my CPA." Silence. He makes me ask him what the grade is. I know his routine by now and I didn't wait for him to tell me, knowing he was waiting for me to ask. I plunged right in, how did you do? He pauses for effect and then says 92.

I was so excited. Of course, now all the buttons need to be sewn back on my shirt.

This piece of personal good news did not seem appropriate in the previous blog, but being a proud mom right now, it was hard for me not to broadcast it to the world.


Prayer Requests

Yesterday was a day full of discovering people's needs.

A lady that lives here in Santa Ana came to the gate asking us to take four of her children. IHNFA, the agency similar to DHS, CPS, etc., will not allow us to take children from the community. They place children in a town different from where the parent lives. The reason this lady wants us to take her chilren is she has a new boyfriend and he doesn't want to have to feed so many kids. She is willing to give up four of her six kids. Of course, she and two of her kids get fed. And hopefully, the other four will be placed in a home like Casa de Esperanza. I wish this was an isolated case, but things like this happen all the time. I don't understand being willing to give up my kids. But, I don't understand not being able to feed them either.

Everything has to be done through IHNFA, but Marc did get on the phone and, we think, find placement for the younger two chilren. The mother and the six kids need a lot of prayer as these transitions are taking place.

A lady in our church, Carmen, called Dorian yesterday afternoon late. Her eighteen year old niece was in an accident a couple of weeks ago. This young woman is about to lose her leg. An attempt to save the leg may be possible, but the family does not have the money that is needed. Marc plans on going to Hospital Escuela today to assess the situation. Pray not only that we can find a way to help, but this young lady's leg will be saved.

As so many are impoverished in Honduras, we often see little villages that are squatter villages. People just claim a piece of land and build a house out of anything and everything they can find. Sticks, plastic, scrap wood. Our lawnmowers live in better houses. Sometimes, the landowner does not want these people on his land. And, that is his right. The supreme court ruled in favor of one landowner in Comayaguela.

The only thing that distinguishes Tegucigalpa from Comayaguela is the river. It is a rough area and thousands live in squatter villages, if they have any kind of house at all. We have built houses in Comayaguela and have seen awful conditions. Without any kind of notice to the people living in the homes in this particular squatter village, after the court ruled in the landowner's favor, he hired a bulldozer and leveled everything on his land, leaving three hundred families, who had very little, with nothing. Please pray these people find some kind of shelter soon.

Also, please pray that we have the wisdom to deal with each situation.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Update on Pamela

Since Pamela had surgery on her foot, healing has gone well. She has seen the doctor several times and he says things are going as expected. On two occasions, he took out a few stitches and said the rest were not quite ready to come. Pamela was scheduled to see the doctor next Monday, hopefully, to get more stitches removed.

This morning Karen called and rather excitedly said there was a hole in Pamela's foot, it was white, and she needed to see the doctor. Marc knew the doctor was in surgery today and said he would get her into Tegucigalpa this evening.

I saw the foot after Pamela got home from school and agreed she needed to see a doctor.

After waiting for over two hours to see the doctor, Marc and Pamela learned part of the incision had broken open and she had to suffer through a few more stitches. I don't think she was too happy about this.

Pamela will see the doctor again next Tuesday. Please remember her in your prayers.


Sunday, February 22, 2009


As someone is coming and going frequently, we have noticed improvements on two of the TORCH houses that were built in the summer of 2008.

The first house is a house built on July 21 in Santa Ana. It is right behind the church that sits on the rock, on the rough, bumpy road that leads to the entrance of Casa de Esperanza. The only people I remember working on this house are Janet and Mary and Nolan. The roof has been redone where it slopes on both side from the middle. A nice new door has been installed. Glass has been put in the window and a little curtain added. Then it was painted green. Very nice, wouldn't you say?

The other house is further down the same road. It was built for Juan, one of the guards at Casa de Esperanza. The Tupelo group built this house. The picture is sort of a strange angle and only shows part of the house. It too has been painted.

We always like to see the people for which we build take ownership and have pride in the houses, improving, adding to, and making it their own.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rosita Starts School

Last Friday, when everyone dressed in their uniforms and left for school, Rosita was quite angry that she was not going to school as well. For her, school started Monday. The bus did not run on Monday morning, so she and I left here at 6:15. It took over an hour and a half to get to Manos Felices. She wanted to stop at Campero's at 7:00. Of course, I had to say no.

After being so excited about starting school and so happy to be at Manos Felices the day we went last week, I was surprised when we walked in and she got scared. She stiffened up and backed away. All of the other children rushed over and began to welcome her. That did not help. She backed away further. One of the teachers came and led her into the group. I left shortly. The school said she had a good day, but that she was really shy. This, surely, is not the same Rosita we all know and love.

I was waiting for her bus at 12:30 at a location only 30 minutes from here.

Rosita and Dorian leave here every morning at 5:45 to meet her bus. I do the afternoon run. Tuesday she jumped in the car, unzipped her backpack and showed me her paper. She had written her numbers. I knew she could not understand either "good job" or "que bueno" and I cannot sign that yet, so we just high-fived each other.

She goes to sleep every day on the way home. I know she is tired, but after next week, she will be going to school until 1:30 and I will be meeting the bus at 2:30.

I am so thankful for this school that is meeting her special needs.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The bathroom

another bedroom

Looking down the hall into the bathroom

The living room. Definitely need more furniture. Marc did a great job picking out the paint colors.

The library

Today the Bill Brumley Cottage was completed.

Yesterday three of the bunk beds were delivered and put together. The outside painting was done today, completing the new cottage. And only three and a half months behind schedule. Welcome to Honduras.

I stood in each room anticipating this new cottage being full of kids. Making a difference one child at a time. All we need is houseparents, furniture and kids.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Crime Scene?

It looks like a major crime scene. Not to worry. There was no crime at Casa de Esperanza today. A roll of yellow caution tape was found and thirteen children had a good time wrapping it around everything. The way they were squealing, one would have thought it was Christmas.

I walked into the store for just a few seconds and they began to crisscross the door with tape. I think they thought they were barricading me in the store.

The joys of being a child and being able to be entertained with caution tape.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

More Needs

We recently met some people from Hunger Plus that want to help with food for the feeding center that will be built this summer. They visited in Honduras two weeks ago. Like so many who come to Honduras, they were overwhelmed by the needs. And they have been all over the world and seen many third world countries. I do think they not only want to get food to Honduras but other aide as well.

We had another opportunity to meet some of the congresswomen. They are more than willing to help get some of this aide into the country as long as their districts receive some of the aide. A fair trade.

We became fast friends with the congresswoman from San Pedro Sula. Her name is Lorena, a beautiful Christian with a huge heart for the poor of Honduras. She called Friday night wanting us to come to San Pedro Sula yesterday and meet some other people. We decided to do this and left for San Pedro Sula yesterday morning.

Lorena put us up at the Hilton. Not a bad deal.

We first met with a woman who lives in Choloma which is half way between San Pedro Sula and Puerta Cortez. Choloma is a city of 290,000 people and does not have a hospital of any kind. That is much bigger than the whole Starkville, Columbus, Tupelo area and think of the hospitals we have there. That is bigger than Amarillo and Amarillo is a large regional medical center. To me, this is incomprehensible. No hospital.

This afternoon we met with a woman named Yadira. She has a site selected for a clinic. It is in an existing building. This clinic will serve a huge number of people. The people she has chosen to serve live in communities along the river. Some people call it the sewer. The river is black and already running low, fairly early into the dry season. It was hot in San Pedro Sula today. I cannot imagine the stench from that river when it gets really hot. There is no clean water in any of the communities.

One of the communites has 6000 people in it. There are a total of 25,000 people living in these communities along the river. Living in deplorable conditions. The houses are built out of anything and everything. Stacked on top of each other, giving zero lot line a new meaning. If a fire ever starts there, God forbid, it will take out hundreds of houses. There are churches and schools, but we can know all those children are not in school. There were hundreds of light-haired, bare-footed children in torn and tattered dirty clothing.

Honduras is the second poorest nation in the western hemisphere. We know that and we see so much need. We always think things are worse in Africa and India. I think what we saw today would rival anything in Africa or India. We think we have seen the worst and that there cannot be any more worse. And then we see what we saw today. There are no pictures for my blog tonight. Oh yes, I had my camera ready. Not only I was I riding in the backseat of a moving vehicle, which does not lend itself to great pictures, but I was too shell-shocked to even think about lifting my camera.

I don't think anyone can see what we saw and not want to do something. Lorena asked what we thought and I all I could do was cry. That was my answer. Tears.

Last week we read in the paper that 62% of people living in Honduras are below the poverty level. I don't know where the poverty level is set, but I also don't know where the 38% above the poverty level are.

I was emotionally exhausted, numb, as we left San Pedro Sula. It was a long time before either Marc or I could speak.

I pray we know what to do with what we saw today.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday the Thirteenth

When Matt finished at Harding in December and there was a baby on the way, Matt and Nicole's first thought was to stay in Searcy to live and work until the baby came. We kind of encouraged them to move to Baton Rouge to be nearer Matt's family. After they talked and prayed about this possibility, they decided that was a good option for them.

Matt went to Baton Rouge in mid January, found an apartment and started job interviews. He received a callback from one company. He drove back to Searcy. He and Nicole packed everything they owned and headed to Baton Rouge. They stayed at Matt's parents' house for a week or so.

Nicole sort of found a job and sat through three days of training and they moved into their apartment. She decided the equipment she had to carry was to heavy to haul around while she is pregnant and quit the job before she really started.

Both Matt and Nicole were having some good interviews. Nicole was a bit frustrated that jobs were not being offered. We were getting daily updates about the job interviews and where they sent their resumes, etc.

Yesterday morning Matt told me they both had second interviews. I was in the candle shop when my phone rang. It was Nicole. She was bubbling with excitement. She had a job. I was excited for her. I still struggle communicating in spanish when I give it my full attention, but there is no way when I am multi-tasking, therefore, I had to get off the phone. I hope she knew I was more excited than it possibly sounded.

Around 4:30, Nicole called again and said Matt had a job, too. She said Friday the thirteenth sure has not been unlucky for us.

Praise God that Friday the thirteenth was really a lucky day for Matt and Nicole.


Fisrt Day of School


....Daniela and Pamela

.....Maryuri and Cindy

Sisi getting her bookbag ready

The boys.

We were told the first day of school for the first through fourth graders would be Monday. Karen had to take them to the school on Thursday to meet their teachers and get supply lists and such. At that meeting, Karen was informed school would start on Friday, yesterday. The supply lists were not ready.

I headed up there around 7:30. I could hear a happy chatter. I walked in and everyone was already in the freshly ironed uniforms and newly polished shoes. Some were finishing their chores and some of the girls were still fixing hair.

I would think this excitement subsides soon and it will be much harder to get them up, dressed and out the door.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hungry People

The first time we fed the people at the dump was the end of February, almost a year ago. We fed again in April and by May had started going out there regularly. As we have come every week, their trust level has grown. The people at the dump know we are going to be there every week and we are going to have enough food. Now when we drive in, they wave and start moving toward the truck. It is not a problem for them to stand in line and wait on their food.

We have been under the impression that other groups feed on different days. Sometimes I can just tell that someone else has been there with food. The lines aren't as long on certain days. Yesterday, I can say with a high level of certainty that no one had been there in several days, possibly even since we were there last Wednesday.

It was wild and crazy. I gave out 300 sandwiches in about seven minutes. People were grabbing and snatching as fast as they could. There were no lines and no waiting. Some people were up in the back of the truck with me. That is the first time that has ever happened. We ran out of sandwiches and people were still walking up the truck and asking for food. We gave water as long as we could. As the dry season kicks in, and it gets hotter, everyone is going to need more water.

There wasn't much time to talk to people yesterday. They grabbed their food and left. As we drove out of the dump, I was very sad. Sad to see that the people were so hungry yesterday.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Today, our two little ones, Katty and Maryuri, started kindergarten. They were so cute with their little backpacks. Maryuri in her uniform and Katty in jeans. We haven't found a uniform small enough for Katty yet.

I cannot imagine how it will go for either one of them. Katty can't sit still and Marjuri has not even been talking for very long. Maryuri stiffened up like she was afraid when they walked in the classroom. Karen said she was warming up to the situation when she left.

Almost everyone else will start on Monday.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Manos Felices

From the day Rosita came to Casa de Esperanza, we knew she could not go to public school. We prayed and prayed before the audiology test that she had some hearing. When we learned she had no hearing, we did not know what we were going to do.

I know I have prayed many times for a way to educate her. I am sure everyone here has also prayed. A few times Karen and I have prayed together over her needs, as well as the rest of the children.

A couple of months ago, we learned of a ministry called Manos Felices (Happy Hands). The way we understood it, they would send someone out here a couple of times a week and teach her sign language. When we began to check into this, the people at Manos Felices told us they were a ministry and they did not have the staff nor the money to come to Santa Ana. If we wanted her in the program, we would have to bring her. This seemed impossible to do everyday as their school is just a block from the national stadium, a good hour from here, maybe and hour and a half in the morning traffic.

We had absolutely no choice but to keep praying about this.

Last week, the director came out here. We learned Rosita had gone to preschool there. We learned she is so far behind educationally. We learned there is bus routes. Not all the way out here, but if we only have to take her to the airport or a bit farther, we felt we could do that. Still going to be a challenge, a huge challenge, but doable.

Manos Felices began as a ministry to deaf adults. It was soon discovered that the deaf, as often handicapped people are in Honduras, were just left alone and ignored, to fend for themselves. The deaf adults the ministry with whom the ministry was trying to work, had no education and no skills. Thus, the decision to start the school. To educate and train these people to live successfully in society.

Today Karen and I had a meeting at the school at 11:30. We left here shortly after 8:30 as we had other necessary business in town. And Miss Rosita was certainly not on her best behavior. At the bank, I ran upstairs to cash a check and Karen and Rosita stayed in the car. We all went in the candle shop. We did our business very quickly and got out of there before we had to purchase the whole store. We went to Mailboxes, Etc. Karen had business there, so I stayed in the car with Rosita. She kept unlocking the back door like she was going to get out and run. Everytime she unlocked the back door, the car alarm went off. I was in the backseat with her almost immediately.

This completed our before-the-meeting errands and it was 11:00. We decided to go on to Manos Felices and just tell them we were early. They graciously welcomed us. Some of the teachers remembered Rosita and were glad to see her. They took her to play and color.

We were taken on a tour of the school. Immediately, Karen and I both felt better. The walls are painted in bright cheery colors, some with murals. Teachers were there preparing for school to begin next week.

Rosita will be taught sign language, spanish, Bible, art, math, science, and social studies. As she gets older, she will be taught computer. They told us that, with good computer skills, deaf people can often get jobs as a data entry clerk because there is very little communication involved.

When we sat down for the meeting, we listened and we asked questions. There is a lot of involvement required from the family. We plan to do that, but it will be a challenge. I made sure that any of us could come to the meetings and such. If one person had to commit to that, it would really be hard. We have to learn sign. I haven't even mastered spanish and I need to learn another language.

We paid her fees and bought her gym uniform. Rosita had to see and feel and smell and hug on the uniform.

The days will be long for Rosita. We will be leaving here between 6:00 andd 6:30 every day. She will not return until 3:30 or 4:00. She has known true hunger. She steals food and acts famished all the time. Karen is afraid she will eat her lunch the minute she gets on the bus. She may. But then, she won't have any lunch.

We know when we take a child, we have to educate and provide for her needs. We are committed to that. This is going to be a huge challenge and we will get it done. We know that, for Rosita, Manos Felices is truly an answered prayer. I am most grateful for Manos Felices and that the desire was placed on someone's heart to help the deaf of Honduras.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Legal Residents

On September 28, 2007 I stepped off of a Continental Airlines jet into the Tegucigalpa airport. I had done this many times before, but this time was different. It was now home, not just a place I was visiting.

After getting luggage and clearing customs, we headed immediately for our lawyer's office where we began the residency process. Not an easy process, you can bet on that. We had to have money up front. Then we needed birth certificates, marriage license, copies of passports, copies of driver's licenses, fingerprints, health records, bank statements, etc., etc. I was so diligent. I had most of this in my possession when we walked in the lawyer's office. Or so I thought. All these things had to be on certain forms and signed by someone from the state of Texas. I started over.

By early March, 2008 all of our paper work was finally complete and we had paid more money. But nothing was happening as far as our residencey being complete. What was going on the Honduran government is much too complicated to even try to explain. We called our lawyer about once a month, which soon turned to once a week, which turned to at least once a day.

Friday we were suppose to meet our lawyers at immigration and finalize all the details. An adventure in itself. After more money and more lines, we walked out of there at 3:30(one of the many reasons we did not leave for Choluteca at 3:00) and now are legal residents of Honduras. Not to be confused with citizens. I have no intention of giving up my U.S. citizenship.

What does being legal residents mean? It means we do not have to leave the country every ninety days. And when we do leave, we save $1.00 each on our exit fees. In about 100 years we will recoup what we paid for this residency. It means we can continue to work here as long as our income does not come from Honduras.

We are legal residents, but we only have temporary cards. Our permanent cards won't be ready for 60 days. If I was a betting person, I would bet they won't be ready in 60 days. After all, we are in Honduras.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another Visit to Santa Katarina

It is already so dry in Santa Katarina
Remember this picture, when the river was so swollen we could not cross. People swam across to get food.

The very same crossing today

Marc eating watermelon. His favorite food. Not.

Patiently waiting for gifts and food

Notice those blond streaks. This little girl is very malnourished.

A child with one of those beanie babies.

Many barefoot children

It is February. It is not unusual for us to be busy planning and thinking about what the summer groups are going to do. And, we have been thinking about this new feeding center in Santa Katarina since August, shortly after the last group left last summer.

We decided a week or so ago that is was time for another trip down there. Marc said early in the week we would be out of here by 3:00 p.m. on Friday. We met at the warehouse to load shoes, school supplies, beanie babies and other toys. After loading the red truck completely full and putting the overflow in the Galloper, in true Honduran fashion, Marc and I, Timoteo and two of his boys, left for Choluteca at 6:00 p.m. I was the only one wanting to wait and leave early this morning. We had not been gone five minutes until I discovered I did not have an SD card in my camera. Marc told me he would get one.

We got down there, had a pizza, and settled into our hotel room. Being away from Santa Ana, I slept wonderfully. I think maybe that was because I was not worrying about this new minimum wage and how we are going to pay our employees.

I woke this morning with an excitement and an eagerness to get started. A feeling of gratitude that I get to be a part of this.

Timoteo called Carlos, the village leader of Santa Katarina. He met us at Maxi Bodega, a huge grocery store in Choluteca (I wish there was one of these in Tegucigalpa). Maxi Bodega has really reasonable prices (except on SD cards) and the employees are very helpful. They know, by the quantities we are buying, that we are taking it to a poor village. They show us the best prices and crawl up and get bulk packages for us. I love going into a grocery store and filling more than one cart with rice, beans, sugar, salt, spaghetti and a few other staples. My task was to get 140 packages of spaghetti. As we are scurrying around filling the carts, Carlos is standing there with a huge smile on his face, knowing his village will soon have food. Timoteo wanted to buy candy. He and Marc found that candy.

After loading the groceries into two already packed vehicles, we headed for Santa Katarina. We travel 40 kilometers down the highway and then turn onto a dirt road and go for 11 more kilometers. It is already much more dry than it is here. And it is only February. It will get worse, much worse, before it gets better. It was slow, slow going on this dirt, deeply rutted, many-potholed road. It took us 35 minutes to drive 11 kilometers. The place we could not cross in October because the river was so swollen was completely dry today. Not a drop of water.

When we finally got to Santa Katarina, Carlos asked that we not give anything to anyone until he notified the village and everyone could get to where we were. Someone went and got 5 plastic chairs and, as the guests, we were expected to sit in those chairs. Everyone else stood as the five of us sat. In Honduran culture, it would be extremely rude to not offer your guests something to eat. Someone came with watermelons. It is the peak of watermelon season in southern Honduras. It would be rude of the guests not to eat what is served. As I eat bologna in these situations, Marc ate watermelon today. I like watermelon and that was no problem for me. But I did think I am a million miles from a decent bathroom and here I am eating watermelon, a lot of watermelon, a natural diuretic.

As people arrived, Timoteo gave each person a sucker. When most of the people from the village were there, we began giving things to people. Carlos explained everyone would not get everything but everyone would get something. We began with a prayer.

Let the fun begin.

John, Milton and I began giving those beanie babies. A huge hit. Marc was working on the sleepers. Carlos had everyone form a line. He and Timoteo gave away the shoes and the school supplies.

After we were through with the beanie babies, I stood back and watched for a few minutes. There is no lack of children in Santa Katarina. I saw many, many men, women, and children with no shoes or shoes that did not fit. Many were wearing clothing that did not fit. Many children had nothing but one pair of underwear. A significant number of children have those light streaks in their hair, indicative of malnutrition. I also saw a community, working together, helping each other, making sure the elderly and sick all received something and were not overlooked.

Santa Katarina definitely needs a medical brigrade and a dental brigrade to visit. I saw many sick children, pink eye, infections and skin stuff. I hope no one had scabies. I don't want that again, but I hugged them anyway.

We saved the food for last. The five of us were packing those food bags as hard and fast as we could. Everyone was happy with what they received today.

Carlos told everyone that was all and the crowds began to dwindle as many started home.

We walked up to the site of the feeding center. It is gradually being cleared. I can't wait til hungry chilren are being fed five days a week. I was busy taking pictures of the land, when one of the elderly women began calling me. I went to see what she wanted. She wanted to give me two more watermelons to take home. I hate taking food from hungry people. She wanted to go to her house and get me some paypaya as well. I kept saying the watermelon was plenty.

When we left, I was hot, thirsty and completely dust covered. I can hardly notice these things at first. I keep thinking about all those people who will stretch that little bit of food for a week or more. Of those dirty, dust-covered children that don't have much water.

Isn't going to be fun when we start construction on this feeding center?


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Great Things Come In Small Packages

Without going into detail, suffice it to say it has been a hard week. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It would be easy to get bogged down in that.

First of all, I need to remember that, in the name of Jesus, one house was built for a young mother and her children and the people at the dump were fed.

Also, I received many great small packages this week. An email from an old friend. An email from a friend saying she prayed extra for me this week. An email saying extra money was going into our account this month. As we worry and fret about rising prices, the deposit email indicated a new monthly Casa sponsor. In the mail, I had a package with Jergen's lotion, my favorite shampoo and a new James Patterson book. Another package, not only had my prescription, (many people don't know it, but they are thankful that came), but milky ways and cashews. It doesn't get much better than that, reading James Patterson and eating a milky way at the same time.

Today, the email devotion was about being renewed and refreshed. Just what I needed.

God is good...all the time. He know just what I need and supplies it everytime. I am thankful today for each one of these large gifts that came in small packages.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pictures of The Cottage

This front room is the Michael Brumley memorial library.

The living room

The kitchen

One of the bathrooms

The hallway with nice heavy solid wooden doors.

The cottage is nearer completion every day. Remember, we are in Honduras and things often (most of the time) don't move on our American schedules. Luis and Milton are painting the inside. Unfortunately, our houseparents took another job and have left. We are actively searching for new houseparents.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Another House

Karen running the chainsaw. You go girl.

Happy children in front of their new house

Today was a beautiful day in Santa Ana. The hottest one we have seen since the dry season ended last year. It was a day preselected to build a house. Of course, since it was so hot. The house we built was here in Santa Ana, not far from our back gate. It was a flat, cleared lot with the post holes already dug. Thank goodness for small favors.

We got the wood unloaded and sorted and got right to work. We had a few newbys, but they learned quickly. It was a rather small crew today and everyone got to work all they wanted. I hammered on two walls all the way up and the entire floor. I am not use to doing that much on one house and I am sore tonight.

The house was for a very young mother and three kids. Those kids were so excited. When we finished, the kids were in that house jumping up and down, shouting for joy. The mom stood waiting with her broom in hand for us to leave. She was ready to sweep the floor and get to the business of moving in her few belongings.

Building a house always makes a beautiful day.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Playing In The Grass

As the dry season is upon us, Dennis has been cutting the grass. There are huge piles of grass on the lower parts of the property. Today the kids were down there playing in the dried grass. Kind of like playing in the leaves. They piled it high, made tunnels through it, pushed each other in it and generally had fun.

I am sure there is probably some sneezing and itching tonight, but it was fun while it lasted.
